

As part of trying to promote a culture in the Club where everyone has a responsibility for their own safety while getting out and enjoying paddling, the Club’s Risk Assessment policy should be read by all members before they embarking on Club activities; it can be downloaded below. This contains an Activity Specific Risk Assessment, which is intended to be a useful guide for thinking through the safety implications of a trip beforehand.   It is good practice to document key hazards for each trip in addition to applying the Club’s generic risk assessment and this document can be a useful format to do this.  Additionally, a dynamic risk assessment should always also be carried out immediately before paddling, and reviewed during the day.

risk assessment for the Aquadome has also been prepared. The Club is also considering producing some site specific risk assessments for popular paddling venues.

Before attending any Club event, please make sure that you either have all of the appropriate kit and safety equipment to hand, or you have arranged to hire it well in advance.

The Club recommends that Paddlers print out copies of the paddler information cards, complete their details and laminate them . We recommend that they keep one copy in their boat and one copy on their person.

The Scottish Canoe Association has information about paddling safely and how to report incidents on the water. Any safety incidents on Club trips should be immediately reported to the Club via the email,  other relevant matters of safety should be reported to safety officer using the email: If you are concerned about safety at any time you should feel able to speak up, or speak to the relevant coach or leader. If you feel the paddling conditions are above your skill level, or are unsafe, then you should also feel able to step back from the activity, and able to share your concerns with whoever is leading the trip.

On non-Club paddling events, the Club would encourage all paddlers to undertake good safety protocols, and to follow guidance in terms of assessing safety risks and hazards.